
Pleasantly Captured Photography is moving to North Carolina!

As most of you know my family is PCSing from Okinawa, but I haven’t really spoken about where we are relocating. Drum roll please!!!! We are going to the good ol’ Camp Lejeune, North Carolina!

My husband and I lived there back in 2007/2008, but I am excited to return to the east coast. I have to admit, being a world away from family and friends has been hard and we cannot wait to be reunited with them!

Along with the move of my family, comes the move of my business. I definitely plan to continue my photography journey while in Jacksonville and hope to offer my services to the Crystal Coast after we get settled in. I am excited to roll out some great offers and projects, but I am keeping my lips sealed until we are closer to our PCSing.

There have been many people that have helped me along this journey. I appreciate those that have trusted and believed in me to capture their family’s most important moments. It has been an honor growing with your little ones while I have grown artistically. I am forever grateful to those that pushed me and helped me go after my dream.

I look forward to finishing out here in Oki with a BANG and can’t wait to photograph along the Crystal Coast!!

With Love,

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to document your beautiful family with me? That's great! Give me a call or send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

(910) 378-9221 |

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